Welcome to the Excalibur Brothers Kingdom
The brothers of Excalibur want to warmly welcome you. It is more than an exchange of gold coin for our crafted goods, but a start of a beautiful relationship.
We made this brand to serve the community of people who want to have quality experiences with their products. A story and a memory of the olden times to share with friends and family. When you use an Excalibur Brothers product, know it is designed to hold a warm spot in thy heart.

Hear ye, hear ye!

To ye noble lords and ladies,
Welcome to thy kingdom.
Harken/Heed these words and take them to heart.
Within each of us dwells a hero;
Heroes for our kin,
Heroes to our friends,
And heroes to the strangers we act kindly to throughout our days.
Most importantly, we are heroes to ourselves.
At Excalibur Brothers, we care for our own. By arming thee, our heroes, with the very best products at fair prices, you can bravely face each day head on.
And for those special heroes in thy own life, gift them with an Excalibur Brothers product and rest assured it will be greatly treasured.
The Excalibur Brothers kingdom was established in 2003 with our mission to provide fantastical products to thy doors. As the years went by, we have expanded our inventory to include home and gift products, all still with the same fantasy and heroic feel we started out within our early days.
So what are you waiting for? The sands continue to sift through the hourglass and there is no time to waste.
Take control of your kingdom and quicken the building of your dreams into reality.
Welcome to Excalibur Brothers.

Excalibur Brothers born as the collective endeavor of Marsha and Lawrence Piper. They founded this company on the principle of a good product at a reasonable price and a reasonable profit.
In the true spirit of American Entrepreneurship when the time arrived to start a legitimate online business they chose to specialize in swords and knives.
Why swords & knives?
We both are avid readers and have been our entire lives. Swords have been prominent in much of the literature we have read and they hold a certain mystic to this day that makes you feel good when you hold one. I had always wanted to purchase a sword but never seemed to get around to it. Yet while Marsha was raising her children she had bought her 2 sons a variety of production knives over the years. She knew their value as a "feel good" gift.
For Christmas 2000 Marsha gave me my first sword. At that moment I was hooked. I knew I had to get more even if only a few at a time.

Fast forward to Fall of 2003
After using the internet to study the fields of internet marketing and e-commerce (for almost 2 years) we decided to start our own company.
Here you see the product; Excalibur Brothers.com
We thought of several ideas for a product to offer and finally decided on something we both like and feel others will like as well. We hope you agree.
We have several of these items in our own home and have given several more as gifts. We know first hand not only their quality but also the look a person gets when they open one of these beautifully crafted swords and knives.

And on top of just selling standard products from the internet - we developed our own product brand. Starting slowly, we have developed our own cups and goblets
And have grown the product line over the years to offer medieval home decor to enjoy at your own home or as a gift.
We hope you enjoy your visit here and find something of value or interest to your needs.
If there is a specific item you are looking for please contact us and we will attempt to find it or check out our link pages for a variety of related items.
September 2004
In order to better serve you we have added a toll free # (877) 496-8152. We also added 2 more online payment options, American Express and Discover.
This brings the total number of online payment options to 5 – Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover & PayPal.
Orders can continue to be sent via the postal service or fax as well.

October 2006
October 2012

October 2020
In 2020, during the Covid outbreak the world was upside down. Supply chain of our swords and knives and other products were frozen, and with the changing of times we thought it was time to pass the torch. We sold the business to friends in the industry since our early days of 2005 merchant forum - and Michael Michelini and his company assumed the operations of the business and the assets.
The goal of this transition was to transform Excalibur Brothers into a premium product brand, using the same elements and market positioning that the current customers know and love.