How to Use a Hip Flask: A Modern Guide
Think hip flasks are only for grandpas and prohibition-era gangsters? Think again. Hip flasks are a great way to take your favorite drink with you wherever you go, and they come in all shapes and sizes.
This is why it is important to understand how to use a hip flask and all the various do’s and don’ts it comes with.
Although hip flasks have been around for centuries, their use has not always been so commonplace. In fact, it was only in the last century that drinking from a flask became popularized. Even now though, the use of a hip flask is often seen as a bit of a rebellious act.
What is it about using a hip flask that makes people want to use it? Is there something inherently satisfying about indulging in your favorite liquor from this small and inconspicuous vessel? Or is it simply the fact that using a hip flask lends an air of sophistication and elitism to drinking?
Whatever the reason, using a hip flask is definitely still en vogue – and here’s a modern guide on how to use a hip flask.

Hip Flask History: What It Is and Why People Use It
A hip flask is a small container that is designed to hold liquor. It is typically made from stainless steel, aluminum, or leather, and it has a tight-fitting cap. People keep these flasks in their pockets or somewhere else convenient so they can always have easy access to their favorite spirits.
Interestingly enough, the idea of a flask has been around ever since the stone age. Back then, cave men would use animal skins to hold liquified grapes (or wine basically).
In the middle ages, this design was improved upon. It allowed for commoners, and most importantly pilgrims, to transport oil and water to their destinations.
Then, as the 18th century came along, the first ever pocket flask was developed. Apart from being a status symbol for noblemen and affluent gentry – a thing that is still associated with flasks today – it also became an integral part of soldier’s equipment.
It helped to carry spirits to grant them courage, but also allowed for infantry to secure and keep their gunpowder dry.
When the American Prohibition in 1919 came along, the hip flask became an integral part of the times. People would utilize hip flasks to try and skirt the law. It allowed people to share, sell, and drink alcohol during the times.
This specific period marked the largest quantity of flasks sold in history.
These days, hip flasks are a tool that many people enjoy bringing along. The convenient size makes it an easy concealed carry for people. Loading it up with one’s favorite spirits and liquors means that a nip of the favorite drink is never far away.

Tips On How to Use a Hip Flask
Now that you know a little bit about the history of hip flasks, let’s get into how to use them. Here are some tips on how to make the most out of this handy tool.

The Right Fit
When picking out a hip flask, it is important to find one that fits well in your pocket. There is nothing more frustrating than having a flask that keeps bouncing around or is constantly slipping out.
The right fit means that it is snug inside your pocket. If in your quest to find the right flask and you meet difficulty in finding the one stays snug in your pocket, it may be that it is your pants’ pockets that are quite large.
Either way, find the best flask that is secure as you go about your daily life.
The Right Liquor
Not all liquors are meant to be consumed from a hip flask. In general, it is best to stick with hard liquor rather than wine or beer.
When picking out what liquor to put in your flask, think about how you will be using it. If you plan on bringing it along for outdoor activities, then something that is light and easy to drink is ideal.
On the other hand, if you are using your flask for more sophisticated events, then maybe choose something a little more refined.
Whatever the case may be, make sure that the liquor you choose is of good quality and that you’ll enjoy drinking it straight from the flask.
Know Your Limits
Just like with anything else in life, it is important to know your limits when drinking from a hip flask. There is nothing more embarrassing than having to pour out one’s liquor because you’ve had too much.
Remember, the flask holds only a limited amount – so drink and enjoy in moderation.
How to Fill and Clean Your Hip Flask
Now that you know how to use your hip flask, it is important to also know how to take care of it. Here are some tips on how to fill and clean your flask.
The easiest way to fill up your hip flask is by using a funnel. If you don’t have a funnel on hand, then try using something else such as a rolled up piece of paper.
Make sure that you avoid filling your flask all the way to the top. This is because it will cause the liquor to bottleneck and create air bubbles.
A handy trick to help get rid of any air bubbles is to give the flask a good shake after you’ve filled it up.
As for cleaning your flask, you’ll be happy to know that it is also a breeze. All you need is some warm water and soap. Simply swish the water around in the flask and use a brush if needed. Be sure to rinse it out well afterwards.
It is also a good idea to let your flask air dry completely before putting it away.
Fill a Flask for Adventures
Now that you know how to use, fill, and clean your hip flask, you’re ready to take it along on all of your adventures! And if you don’t have one yet, try out Excalibur Brothers’ Leather Flask.
The most important thing to remember though is to drink responsibly and to have fun. Cheers!